Dear Mountain View Families,
We will be hosting the second Scholastic Book Fair of the school year, February 6th through the 9th!
Here are some important dates to look forward to:
Student Preview : Friday, February 3rd - Look out for wish lists coming home in your student’s backpack
Shopping Days/Hours:
- Monday: All Recesses
- Tuesday: All Recessess
- Wednesday: After School 2:30-4:30
- Thursday: Last Day of the Fair! Open at All Recesses
- You can visit our Book Fair homepage to sign-up for eWallet, shop, and see important dates! LINK TO ONLINE FAIR
- The Scholastic eWallet is a great way to ensure your student has funds to shop the fair without sending cash! Learn more about eWallet here
- We will not be accepting checks at the book fair.
- We are looking for volunteers to help with the book fair, we would love it if you could join us! ****Sign-up here****
Thank you
Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Carsrud